Blue Skies of Mapleview LLC Sponsorships

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Sponsor a young or disabled rider

One of the missions of Blue Skies is to make equine experiences available to children and women regardless of their financial status, religion, or ethnicity. Through the years, various patrons have sponsored a child for camp or afterschool lessons. Special arrangements have also been possible for the Women’s Intuitive Riding groups as the therapeutic value of this work is recognized.

Please consider sponsoring a child with the following categories:

  • Blue Ribbon Sponsors: $1000 or more
  • Red Ribbon Sponsors: $500-$1000
  • Green Ribbon Sponsors: $250-500
  • White Ribbon Sponsors: $100-250
  • Yellow Ribbon Sponsors: up to $100

Donations can be made to

Blue Skies of Mapleview LLC
3609 Pasture Rd, Hillsborough, NC 27278

You may designate which category your donation will be used for:

  • Sponsor a child for camp
  • Sponsor a child for a semester of lessons
  • Sponsor a lesson horse – help with the veterinary, feed, carrot bills for one or all of the horses
  • General farm fund – pasture management, fencing, barn maintenance, tack repair and replacement

Thank you in advance for considering a donation.